Thank you, Moms
by Melinda Bennington
Thank you, Moms:
The one who created me;
Who gave birth to and read to me;
Who held me;
Moms who helped me,
Who raised friends with whom I played,
Studied, and learned;
Moms who fed me;
Moms who asked good questions.
Thank you, Mum
Who raised the man I love, and
The ones who helped.
Thank you Moms
Who love
The children they’ve had
And haven’t.
Thank you, Moms
Who had babies with me,
Took turns with me,
Coaching, room-parenting,
Carpooling, and cheering,
being the parent there, in case;
Thank you, Moms,
Who kept one child while
I took the other to the ER,
Moms at the bus stop,
Moms in the neighborhood,
Moms at school.
Thank you, Moms
Whose kids had already
Had whooping cough and bothered
To tell me about the steamy shower.
Thank you, Moms
Who shared tapes and photos,
Called to say you were late to work, stuck
Driving behind my son going the speed limit;
Thank you Moms who really were
At the party;
Who prayed with me
For our children,
For their safety,
For guidance, for the right people
To be put along the paths
That are their own.
Thank you, Moms
Who raised peacemakers,
Teachers, rascals
And saints.
Thank you, Moms
Whose love surrounds those
On distant shores, in
Perilous places;
Moms who say:
You can do it
If you practice and work hard;
What’s plan B?
Tell me about it;
Be well;
Have fun!
I love you.
Thank you, Moms
Who say
It’s one more part of life;
What an adventure this has been.
© Melinda Bennington