This morning I saw Marcus McArthur and his baby, Micah, on the Today Show giving the best demonstration of silver linings I’ve seen in a long time!
McArthur, who is finishing his doctoral work and seeking a professorship, received a job rejection letter. Alone with his baby, he expressed his emotions by tearing the rejection slip in half. I love that little act of audacity. Check out what happened next: Job rejection letter silver lining
I hope you laughed as hard as that I did. We don’t always have power over what life delivers, but we do have the power to choose how we respond. Maybe a little providential intervention rewarded that choice for Marcus McArthur. In any case, thanks to this family for sharing the joy!
Word for the day: moxie
Synonyms: audacity, courage, defiance, determination, fortitude, grit, guts, mettle, tenacity, and one of my favorites, chutzpah!